In a friend’s kitchen one night, I watched her prepare a salad by opening bags of pre cut veggies. Once you get to know me, you’ll find out that’s it hard for me to hold back when I have a strong opinion about something I know a lot about.. So there I went” I would never buy precut vegetables” Her response? “they are so much easier” . Perhaps..
Its a treat to buy from a local well priced Farm stand!
Let’s think about it this way. Once a vegetable is precut and packaged, there is much more surface area exposed, leaving a greater potential for contamination by Pathogens. To prevent this and increase self life., Some produce is washed in antibacterial solutions. Yes, these are designated as safe by the FDA, but why introduce something that can potentially be an allergin?
. Also, cutting, breaks down cell walls, depletes moisture (think about a cut cucumber on your cutting board) , sometimes depleting vitamins, but often causing changes in browning, toughing and adding bitter flavors. And there’s also the cost of purchasing pre packed vegetables. It adds up over time . Wow, all that because you couldn’t spare 5 or 10 minutes!!
Having the right tool is the key. Some of you may he happy with a large chefs knife or santuko. Look for a knife that is carbon steel, weighted balanced, full tanged and most important, comfortable in your hand! My favorite knife
If you prefer more fun in your kitchen, there are lots of tools available! Salad choppers and the quick slice are huge time savers!
Enjoy your vegetables and the satisfaction you'll get from cutting them yourself!